Confession time ..... I have always been a lover of literature but 'studying' it for degree purposes killed off every ounce of passion I had for the subject. Dissecting and analysing every word, sentence phrase etc etc was just not for me. Anyway, one wonderful lecturer gave us the task of writing our own short story to which I grabbed with both hands and buried myself in writing. However, nothing I produced felt 'right' as now all I could see were the flaws and mistakes and my terrible writing style. This made me so sad so I put on my All About Eve album to chase those feelings away. Inspiration hit me like a bolt. Here comes the confession, I stole the first line of 'December' to start off my story. Imagination ignited, passion restored, ideas flowing I finished in no time. It was the only piece of work for which I was graded a first! This has stuck with me for over 30 years and I just wanted to thank you for being my inspiration. Yes, I felt that imposter syndrome and guilty for 'stealing' your work but it put me back on track and paved the way to finishing the degree. I often think back to this when I am feeling uninspired, a bit rubbish, unmotivated and it spurs me on. Don't know why this post encouraged me to share this (think it was the imposter syndrome) but thank you for being my inspiration in that crucial moment and forever after.
It is in some ways comforting to see imposter syndrome not just restricted to artists like myself 😆 I was reading an interesting take on YouTube recently that made me think, the narrator pointed out that we, as artists, are just creating content for the platform, mostly for no return on our investment, whilst they get rich... For some reason that really stuck and god yes, I want a resurgence of small venues for bands to hopefully stop this blight 🙏 !!!
I have to say Im liking the technology and the new world. I can make whatever obscure ambient experimental stuff I want without having to negotiate gate keepers, marketing and mad A&R types. Im very niche, which is fine. There were many casualties of the old music business model as we all know. Not far down the road from me lived one such person. A very humble man who ended up losing his mind for the best part of 3 decades due to his mental health being pushed to the very edge by the stress of the music treadmill; the drugs didnt help, but lifestyle pressure did the most damage. This was Peter Green, the original founder of Fleetwood Mac, and Danny Kirwan, the other lead guitarist ended up worse in my opinion, and lived in the end, not that far from Peter in a spare room with his ex-wife and husband, having spent decades homeless
I saw Nik Kershaw perform solo twice over the last few years and he was able to perform his songs using some kind of looping guitar pedal. It was amazing to see and sounded great and if that’s what it took for him to get to him In the road playing some of my favourite songs then I’m happy with that 👍
Confession time ..... I have always been a lover of literature but 'studying' it for degree purposes killed off every ounce of passion I had for the subject. Dissecting and analysing every word, sentence phrase etc etc was just not for me. Anyway, one wonderful lecturer gave us the task of writing our own short story to which I grabbed with both hands and buried myself in writing. However, nothing I produced felt 'right' as now all I could see were the flaws and mistakes and my terrible writing style. This made me so sad so I put on my All About Eve album to chase those feelings away. Inspiration hit me like a bolt. Here comes the confession, I stole the first line of 'December' to start off my story. Imagination ignited, passion restored, ideas flowing I finished in no time. It was the only piece of work for which I was graded a first! This has stuck with me for over 30 years and I just wanted to thank you for being my inspiration. Yes, I felt that imposter syndrome and guilty for 'stealing' your work but it put me back on track and paved the way to finishing the degree. I often think back to this when I am feeling uninspired, a bit rubbish, unmotivated and it spurs me on. Don't know why this post encouraged me to share this (think it was the imposter syndrome) but thank you for being my inspiration in that crucial moment and forever after.
It is in some ways comforting to see imposter syndrome not just restricted to artists like myself 😆 I was reading an interesting take on YouTube recently that made me think, the narrator pointed out that we, as artists, are just creating content for the platform, mostly for no return on our investment, whilst they get rich... For some reason that really stuck and god yes, I want a resurgence of small venues for bands to hopefully stop this blight 🙏 !!!
I have to say Im liking the technology and the new world. I can make whatever obscure ambient experimental stuff I want without having to negotiate gate keepers, marketing and mad A&R types. Im very niche, which is fine. There were many casualties of the old music business model as we all know. Not far down the road from me lived one such person. A very humble man who ended up losing his mind for the best part of 3 decades due to his mental health being pushed to the very edge by the stress of the music treadmill; the drugs didnt help, but lifestyle pressure did the most damage. This was Peter Green, the original founder of Fleetwood Mac, and Danny Kirwan, the other lead guitarist ended up worse in my opinion, and lived in the end, not that far from Peter in a spare room with his ex-wife and husband, having spent decades homeless
I saw Nik Kershaw perform solo twice over the last few years and he was able to perform his songs using some kind of looping guitar pedal. It was amazing to see and sounded great and if that’s what it took for him to get to him In the road playing some of my favourite songs then I’m happy with that 👍
Absolutely love this,
'We are the working class. We adapt and find other ways to keep body and soul together...'
Yes indeed we do 👏❤️